1000 to forty
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Day 900 – Superpowers and Maple trees
The first blog post.
As anyone who cares to read this will likely decipher, my project of counting down 1000 days until I turn 40 is 100 days into existence, and so far I’ve managed only to post photos to my Instagram profile (@1000toforty for those who wish to play along).
I’ve collected a staggering 15 followers and found myself wondering what the hell is the point – isn’t what I’m doing just a daily accounting of things/images/ideas that tickle me? An exercise in consistent posting which certainly didn’t need a unique profile, let alone a website and blog page? Isn’t the internet already filled with enough inane content to add yet more time-wasting, irrelevant, and pointless shit to?
Regular posting has merits for sure and I have been encouraged that I have actually had the commitment to continue doing something for 100 consecutive days.
So why is today different? Why the first blog post now?